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Procedure for registering a student on-line.


1.     Complete the fields below, and submit.

2.     Mail a check for the applicable registration and book fees with the child's name on the memo section.  If your child receives Florida Pride or McKay Scholarship, do not pay for their books. 


                     Grade                          Registration         Books                 Total


                     Pre-K                             105.00                     85.00               $190.00

                     Kindergarten               175.00                   110.00               $285.00

                     1st - 6th grades           175.00                   220.00               $395.00

                     7th - 8th grades           175.00                   220.00               $395.00

                     9th grade                       175.00                   225.00               $400.00

                     10th grade                     190.00                   235.00               $425.00

                     11th grade                      240.00                  245.00               $485.00

                     12th grade                      240.00                  255.00               $495.00


3.    You will receive additional forms by mail.  Return when completed.

4.    Upon acceptance you will receive confirmation, and information relating to the start of the school year.


Note: Completion of this form does not constitute an accepted registration.  Students are not registered until all their registration requirements are completed, their application has been reviewed by registration committee, and accepted by the school.  Students entering in grades 7 and above may require an interview.




                                                            Required fields are in black


Student's Name:
Doe, John
Social Security #:
Address (cont):
Leave blank if not needed
Zip Code:
Home Phone:
Cell Phone:


Email Address:


Last School Attended:


Grade Requested:




Mother's Name:

 None - if applicable

Mother's Employer:

 None - if applicable

Mothers's Work #:

 None - if applicable

Father's Name:

 None - if applicable

Father's Employer:

 None - if applicable

Father's Work #:

 None - if applicable

Doctor's Name:

 Doctor's Name

Doctor's #:



If you receive
Financial Assistance,
please highlight:



After School:

 Check if you will be requiring after school services.

Lunch Program:

 Check if you will be participating in the Lunch Program.


Students may not be registered until parents confirm having read the
Student Handbook.
Please type "yes" in the box below to verify that you have read and approve of the Student Handbook.





Medical, learning difficulties, or other important information:



Trinity Christian Academy admits students of any race, color, national, or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally made available to students.  It does not discriminate based on race, color, national, or ethnic origin in administration of educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, athletics, and other school administered programs.